Friday, March 23, 2007

How Will This Work?

I wanna make a movie (and who doesn't) but I only have a few, barely rounded-out ideas. I know I want the opening credits to feature Zombie's "More Human than Human" and the closing credits will fade out as "White Flag" by Dido plays (already contributed by a friend of mine).

Other than that, I have a few "must use" lines, but not much more. So, if i can rally a buncha creative friends who, no doubt, also have some movie ideas, scenes, and dialogue ...well. I contend a movie will write itself. I'll edit all the ideas into a manusrcipt and start pitching it to studios.

Have an idea? Start "commenting" via the link at the bottom of this entry. As this post and its comments start to cement an idea, I'll organize it a little and create another post - to keep us "on point."

So ...let's hear it. Plot? Climax? Twist? Cameos? Start anywhere.


Don said...

SCENE (from Nick): a bunch of high school rich kids doing a TON of cocaine in the basement of a house, and two vigalantes come in blow their heads off...kinda Tarantino, but sends a good message.

EJ said...

I like the image of a dead Ernest Hemingway impersonator floating face down in a swimming pool.

Also, a cameo by Tom Waits, playing the owner of a junkyard. "Don't mind the dog. He just hates you."

Krik said...

Opens with "More Human Than Human" and ends with "White Flag", huh? - I see a man vs. technology theme that could tie the fade-in/fade-out together, but I can't see a traditional sci-fi story here, maybe a sick, twisted, Tarantino/Peckinpah-style Twilight Zone-esque.

How about a gang war between the Hemingway impersonators vs the Elvis impersonators? It could be set in some alternate reality like Strange Days.

The two vigilantes that killed the high school cokeheads were Elvis impersonators and pinned it on their rivals the Hemingways.

Just noodling around here, but I see the title "The Old Man Has Left The Building."

EJ said...

I have an idea for a character quirk that I've always wanted to use. Somebody who fancies himself as sort of an art snob, although his tastes are seriously middle-of-the-road. "My favorite album? Oh man, there's this guy, you've probably never heard of him, Dave Matthews. He does these quirky sort of songs. You should totally look him up."

Darrin Wassom said...

Tom Wait - nice touch! You could take it a step further by having some dude singing a Tom Waits cover (I'm thinking "going out west") at karaoke night as background during a scene.

"Going out West" could also indicate the direction the story is heading..... After all, if White Flag is going to be playing at the end of the film (pure genius, I might add) then it most certainly needs to be on a beach....

Opening could occur out east or over in D town and end up in name your city on the ocean in CA, Mexico, whatever....